How does one stay calm when the chaos ensues?
Lately I've had a few shit storms land in my lap. Some I caused and some I did not. I found that dealing with them was very difficult and added some unhealthy stress. At first I couldn't figure out how I was going to process or deal with them. I began not sleeping well, having thoughts of giving up. Then a thought came to me. "Why let them win?" I thought to myself. These are my dreams, my goals not theirs and who cares if people try to bring you down.
Finding a way to keep your head high is hard but worse things have happened and we have all lived through it. I like to write and read, get it out in a constructive way so that your mind stops chattering so much. The last thing I need is an anxiety attack or take my anger out on innocent bystanders.
Controlling yourself and emotions when the storms hit is very hard. Especially for me. I have never really tried to control myself, only others. I guess there is no better time than to start right now by channeling that negative spuge into some good reading and writing.
I've recently read that stress kills and it seems no one takes that seriously. I did not know that even simple driving related stress can kill you. Why don't we pay attention to this silent killer more? Why do we keep pushing ourselves towards more stress? We are told smoking causes cancer, so we stop smoking. We are told not eating well causes diabetes, so we eat more veggies, we are told to wear seatbelts more cause they save lives and we do. Yet we are also told that stress is a major killer, but do we work less? No. Do we enlist in courses to help conquer stress and anxiety? No. Do we take the time out to enjoy the small things in life? No.
I challenge you and myself for that matter today to take time out and release your stress however you choose. When you feel the surge of adrenaline cause by traffic, an argument or anything else, go to your happy place and breathe. Breathe now so you can still breathe in 10 years.
It's sunny. Wicked.
I agree; stress of any level, when taken seriously enough can kill you...even the small things can have a huge significance
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