Ok I am starting to feel the vomit creeping up the back of my throat as I think about this Twitter business.
How many of these fucking things will pop up? I currently have a My Space account, Hi5 account, Meetmeinto account, Facebook, classmates.com account.. I have not used any with the exception of Facebook which I only started because my b/f at the time was online and yes, I wanted to creep and find out what he was doing. Fuck, I even have an E-harmony page although I refuse to pay and thus just get teased by "wanna meet your perfect match, meet Jim?" emails all days long. Thanks for that.
So here is some Twitterology for you:
I have a Twitter account, thus, I am a TWIT. Nice.
I post a blog on my Twitter account thus, I'm tweeting... right a bird.
If there are a bunch of you, you are Twitters, or better yet a bunch of TWITS one vowel away from being TWATS might I colourfully add.
I'm a bird and a retard, in essence, I'm a retarded bird and so are all you TWITTERS out there.
I am just exhausted with all this online communicating. I mean how many ways do my 10 friends need to see me? Its the same fkn pictures, the same notes, the same everything and all you REALLY do is add the SAME fkn people.
Ugghh so tiring.. so as tempting as being a TWAT might be. Ill have to politely refuse and ask Twitter to go fuck itself.