Thursday, April 30, 2009

Silver Linings

I would just like to point out that I was an hour late for work again today.. beautiful. Sleep was simply more important and Im ok with that.

Someone once said that with all bad situations there is usually a silver lining in there... somewhere. As some relationships wither away to a difficult end, some are blooming to new greatness. I feel like I am closer to the people that truly deserve it. I am slowly learning to cut out some of the bullshit people, although it does take time and adjustments must be made.

I feel good about the core group I have around me. I am connecting and loving so freely. You just know certain people are supposed to be in your life. I am fortunate to have a big pile of supportive, fun-loving, positive people around me.

Negatives be gone!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Twitting... WTF?

Ok I am starting to feel the vomit creeping up the back of my throat as I think about this Twitter business.

How many of these fucking things will pop up? I currently have a My Space account, Hi5 account, Meetmeinto account, Facebook, account.. I have not used any with the exception of Facebook which I only started because my b/f at the time was online and yes, I wanted to creep and find out what he was doing. Fuck, I even have an E-harmony page although I refuse to pay and thus just get teased by "wanna meet your perfect match, meet Jim?" emails all days long. Thanks for that.

So here is some Twitterology for you:

I have a Twitter account, thus, I am a TWIT. Nice.
I post a blog on my Twitter account thus, I'm tweeting... right a bird.
If there are a bunch of you, you are Twitters, or better yet a bunch of TWITS one vowel away from being TWATS might I colourfully add.

I'm a bird and a retard, in essence, I'm a retarded bird and so are all you TWITTERS out there.

I am just exhausted with all this online communicating. I mean how many ways do my 10 friends need to see me? Its the same fkn pictures, the same notes, the same everything and all you REALLY do is add the SAME fkn people.

Ugghh so tiring.. so as tempting as being a TWAT might be. Ill have to politely refuse and ask Twitter to go fuck itself.


For now this blog will remain mere rants or crap text by me to serve as not only a distraction from work but also so I can just get in the habit of writing again. I will post more pics and relevant stuff as time goes on.

Im just regaining the want to blog.

What to say about today.. it's well... I was late by 45 mins. Walked directly into my boss' sit path upon entering. I might as well have waved and said "Hey there, look at me! Im late! By A LOT!" Awesome and yes awesome again.

I discovered that my Mom may want a divorce from my Dad after like 40 years of marriage. Which again is.. just awesome.  In actuality I am super proud of her and support the decision. They don't fight with me around or anything. For all I knew life was roses, sunshine and yummy cakes. Clearly not the case. I think they would both be happier sans one another.

Im learning over the past few days that being single is the new "IN" thing to do. More and more often I see people totally finding enlightenment, happiness and fulfillment from being single. It's a wonderful era we are in.  That's not to say that I don't want a relationship but the best way to put it is... I don't need one. 

Cheers to that!

I have discovered another rant and must give it it's own post.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Bored at 11:13am

Yes, it's 11:13am and I am already bored at work. Do I have work to do? Abo-fucking-lutely but I feel like NOT doing it right now. I am taking a break.

I have already exhausted all the usual sites:,,,,,, York U blog,, and finally here I am.

There is nothing and I mean NOTHING else I can look at that isn't blocked. So I've begun texting friends to stay awake. Is this when you realize it's time to find a new job? Perhaps. Does everyone beam from ear to ear at work all day? I sure hope not. I'd have to kill them.

Well you know what? I think I will take my lunch.

What a post. Today is a slow one.

Friday, April 03, 2009